Discover comprehensive treatments for TMJ disorders and achieve lasting comfort

Unlocking relief: effective TMJ therapy solutions

or call 212-334-7330

Unlocking relief: effective TMJ therapy solutions at SohoSmile

Discover comprehensive treatments for TMJ disorders and achieve lasting comfort

Unlocking relief: effective TMJ therapy solutions

or call 212-334-7330

TMJ disorders at SohoSmile

At SohoSmile®, under the leadership of Dr. John Koutsoyiannis and our expert team, we employ a comprehensive and biologic approach to treating TMJ disorders. With the collaboration of our multidisciplinary dental team, we ensure the highest quality results for every TMJ procedure.

Understanding TMJ disorders
TMJ disorders occur when complications arise in the temporomandibular joints, resulting in pain or difficulty in mouth movements. Common symptoms include persistent pain during chewing, talking, or swallowing; cracking, popping and/or locking of the jaw; along with earaches, headaches, and jaw muscle discomfort. The pain may also go beyond your joints, with discomfort and inflammation throughout your face and in your neck and shoulders. The effects of physical stress on the structures around the joint, such as teeth grinding and/or clenching (bruxism), jaw injuries, arthritis, or just everyday wear and tear, can cause damage to the joint itself and/or the muscles surrounding the jaw. Dr. John accurately diagnoses TMJ symptoms and tailors a treatment plan to address individual needs.

Who is ideal candidates for TMJ treatment?
Ideal candidates for TMJ treatment seek relief from chronic or acute pain associated with TMJ disorders. Dr. John assesses each patient’s condition and prefers non-surgical options initially, reserving TMJ surgery for severe cases.

TMJ treatment options
From night guards to physical therapy, we offer a range of TMJ treatments to alleviate pain and discomfort. Our treatments include wearing a night guard, physical therapy sessions, dietary adjustments, and pain management techniques.

TMJ surgery
In severe cases, TMJ surgery may be recommended to relieve pain and restore jaw function. Procedures such as TMJ arthroscopy or TMJ replacement are performed on an outpatient basis, with surgery considered as a last resort.

What to expect during treatment
TMJ treatment varies depending on the recommended modality, ranging from physical therapy to medication and night guard usage. Dr. John guides patients through each step of the treatment process to ensure optimal results.

After TMJ treatment
Ongoing follow-up visits may be necessary to monitor progress and adjust treatment plans as needed. Dr. John provides personalized care and support to help patients achieve long-term relief from TMJ symptoms.

Following TMJ surgery
Our commitment to well-being extends to comprehensive post-operative care, crucial for a smooth recovery and optimal results. Recovery time varies depending on the procedures performed. Our team provides thorough instructions and support for a smooth recovery, addressing any questions or concerns to prioritize your comfort every step of the way.

Find TMJ relief

Contact SohoSmile® today to schedule a consultation with our TMJ specialist team. Call us at (212) 334-7330 or conveniently book a consultation below online to take the first step towards a pain-free smile.

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