Emergency dental care: immediate relief when you need It most

Expert care for dental emergencies in NYC

or call 212-334-7330

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Emergency dental care: immediate relief when you need It most

Expert care for dental emergencies in NYC

or call 212-334-7330

SohoSmile Dental consult

At SohoSmile®, we redefine traditional dentistry with a biologic approach that underscores the intrinsic link between oral health and overall well-being. Situated in NYC, our dental practice seamlessly integrates state-of-the-art techniques and technologies, employing natural, biocompatible materials to ensure optimal outcomes while prioritizing your health.

Guiding Principles of SohoSmile®:
Our philosophy at SohoSmile® transcends conventional dental paradigms by embracing a biologic ethos that recognizes oral health as integral to holistic wellness. We are committed to not only enhancing your smile but also nurturing your overall health. Growing research emphasizes the profound connections between oral health and systemic diseases such as digestive disorders, respiratory issues, cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and diabetes. Particularly, gum disease has been linked to elevated risks of heart attacks and strokes, underscoring the significance of early intervention. Grounded in the understanding of the body as a unified system, our holistic biologic approach acknowledges the intricate interplay between oral health and overall well-being.

Emergency Dental Care at SohoSmile®: With the multidisciplinary team at SohoSmile®, our emergency dental care in NYC is dedicated to providing prompt relief from dental emergencies and oral trauma. With a biologic approach to dentistry, our state-of-the-art facility and expert ceramicist ensure optimal results for every emergency dental procedure.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?
Dental emergencies encompass severe tooth pain, trauma to the teeth, gums, or jaw, and any condition requiring urgent dental attention. From sudden toothaches and knocked-out teeth to oral tissue injuries, our emergency dentist, Dr. John Koutsoyiannis, and his SohoSmile® team can address a wide range of urgent dental concerns.

Who Benefits?
Individuals experiencing sudden tooth pain, knocked-out teeth, or oral trauma are ideal candidates for emergency dental care. For severe emergencies, immediate medical attention is crucial before seeking dental treatment.

What to Expect During Your Emergency Dental Treatment?
Dr. John delivers prompt and effective emergency dental care tailored to each patient’s needs. Whether saving a damaged tooth or addressing oral trauma, our emergency dentist ensures comprehensive treatment and personalized care.

Post-Emergency Treatment Recovery:
Recovery duration varies based on the severity of the dental emergency. While minor cases may require only a few days of recovery, severe injuries or tooth damage necessitate longer

Prompt and compassionate emergency care in NYC

Reach out to SohoSmile® at (212) 334-7330. Our dedicated on-call team is here to help and offer immediate relief from dental emergencies.

SohoSmile Operatory